
SBA Communications Takes Over #85 Spot From Aptiv

By Dividend Channel Staff, Friday, December 29, 11:46 AM ET

In a study of analyst recommendations at the major brokerages, for the underlying components of the S&P 500, SBA Communications Corp (NASDAQ:SBAC) has taken over the #85 spot from Aptiv PLC (NYSE:APTV), according to ETF Channel. Below is a chart of SBA Communications Corp versus Aptiv PLC plotting their respective rank within the S&P 500 over time (SBAC plotted in blue; APTV plotted in green):

In forming the rank, the analyst opinions from the major brokerage houses were tallied, and averaged; then, the underlying components were ranked according to those averages. Investors often interpret analyst opinions from different angles — a popular analyst pick could mean that many sharp minds individually came to the same bullish conclusion, and therefore the stock should do well... but it could also mean that if the company makes any slight stumble, that would come as a negative surprise and cause a downward impact on the stock.

From the other direction, when companies have a low rank among analysts, it isn't necessarily the case that investors should conclude that the stock will perform poorly. It can mean that of course, but: a bullish investor who can make a case for a positive future catalyst could also take the contrarian angle and recognize that there is lots of room for upside since the stock is presently so out of favor.

For these reasons, we at ETF Channel find value to putting together these rankings, because both the top and the bottom ends of the lists can often make for some interesting stock picking ideas for further research.

Below is a three month price history chart comparing the stock performance of SBAC vs. APTV:

SBAC,APTV Relative Performance Chart

SBAC is currently trading off about 0.6%, while APTV is down about 0.7% midday Friday.

This Article's Word Cloud:   APTV   Analyst   Analysts   Aptiv   Arial   Below   Broker   Channel   Communications   Corp   Current   Favorites   Forgotten   Friday   From   Giants   Investors   Least   NYSE   Picks   Rank   SBAC   Start   about   according   also   analyst   bullish   case   chart   components   could   fillColor   from   major   make   mean   often   opinions   over   plotted   rank   raquo   should   slideshow   stock   that   these   underlying   were

SBA Communications Takes Over #85 Spot From Aptiv | www.DividendChannel.com

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